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Since 2009, the European Society of Criminology awards fellowships to attend the Annual Conference of the Society. Successful candidates will be notified by e-mail by 15 June of each year.


Given the exceptional and dramatic circumstances created by the Ukraine’s war, the ESC is awarding additional fellowships to colleagues from the region affected by the conflict. The rules are the same as those of the regular fellowships (see below).

ESC Fellowships to attend the Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology

The European Society of Criminology (ESC) invites researchers in criminology to apply for a fellowship to attend the annual conference of the ESC. Applicants must be based in a country eligible for official development assistance (ODA) according to the list established by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The latest DAC list of ODA recipient countries can be found here: Priority will be given to postgraduate or early stage researchers enrolled in a higher education institution located in one of the countries of that list.

Up to five fellowships will be awarded annually to researchers based in European countries included in the DAC list of ODA recipients; and up to two fellowships will be awarded to researchers based in non-European countries included in that list. Europe includes all the countries that are currently members of the Council of Europe (CoE) as well as those who could apply for membership if they would fulfill the CoE admission requirements (“Every Member of the Council of Europe must accept the principles of the rule of law and of the enjoyment by all persons within its jurisdiction of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and collaborate sincerely and effectively in the realisation of the aim of the Council” according to article 3 of the Statute of the CoE:

The term ‘criminological’ relates to criminology as defined in Section 1 of the ESC Constitution (‘The term criminology, as used in this Constitution, refers to all scholarly, scientific and professional knowledge concerning the explanation, prevention, control and treatment of crime and delinquency, offenders and victims, including the measurement and detection of crime, legislation and the practice of criminal law, and law enforcement, judicial, and correctional systems’).

The fellowship includes the waiving of the registration fees for the conference plus an additional 500 Euros to cover travel and accommodation expenses.

A panel of three members designated by the Executive Board of the ESC (including, whenever possible, one member of the EPER -European Postgraduate and Early Stage Researchers Group- ESC Working Group) will review the applications and recommend suitable candidates to the Executive Board. The current panel consists of Klaus Boers (University of Muenster, Germany), Andra Roxana Trandafir (University of Bucharest, Romania) and Anna Di Ronco (University of Essex, England, United Kingdom)

The jury will transmit its recommendation to the Executive Board by 30 April in a report that describes the process followed to reach a decision. The Executive Board may approve or disapprove the recommendations of the Panel. It may also decide not to give the fellowships in any given year.

Applicants must forward their applications to the  Executive Secretariat (marcelo.aebi @ of the ESC and to the ESC President (jtamarit @ by midnight 31 January of each year. The application must include:

  1. A letter explaining why financial support is needed.
  2. A short letter of support from a professor or research supervisor.
  3. A detailed proposal (of approximately 1,000 words) of a paper to be presented in the next ESC conference by the candidate as sole author of the presentation.
  4. A curriculum vitae.



List of ESC Fellowships Recipients



2023 Fellowships


2023 Fellowships for candidates from Ukraine


2022 Fellowships


2022 Fellowships for candidates from Ukraine


2019 Fellowships


2018 Fellowships


2017 Fellowships


2016 Fellowships


2015 Fellowships


2014 Fellowships


2013 Fellowships


2012 Fellowships


2011 Fellowships


2009 Fellowships