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European Criminology Oral History Project

Many European criminologists, and in particular former ESC presidents, have been already interviewed in the ASC – Oral History of Criminology twin project, and, to avoid overlapping, we are not planning to re-interview them in the near future, with the exception of those whose interviews were filmed a long time ago.

At the ASC – Oral History project (Click Here) you can watch the interviews of:

David Farrington (1997)
Hans-Jurgen Kerner (2014)
Martin Killias (1996)
Elena Larrauri (2015)
Miklós Lévay (2013)
Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic (2015)
Ernesto Savona (2012)
Margareth Shaw (2015)
Dina Siegel (2015)
Sonja Snacken (2014)
Jan van Dijk (2013)