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EUROCRIM 2025 – The 25th Annual Conference of the ESC will take place in Athens, Greece, from 3 to 6 September 2025


    Logos of crime and punishment

    Logos in classical Greek thought refers to a universal (divine) reason immanent in nature, yet transcending all oppositions and imperfections in the cosmos and humanity, and has been used as a principle for human law and morality. The word λόγος (logos) traditionally means “word” but can also mean reason, principle, standard, thought, speech, or logic. The logos of crime is related to the research on the reason and causes of crime and is strongly associated with the logos of punishment. Both engaged the research of generations of criminologists, whether positivist, interactionist or critical. Since the topic of the conference is broad, it offers criminologists affiliated with the ESC together with historians, philosophers, sociologists, jurists and psychologists a notable opportunity for the discussion and presentation of their work.