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Call for Participation in the Research Group: Modern Technologies in the Service of Community Policing (TechCOP)

    The Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at the Jagiellonian University funds this research group led by Ingrid Nyborg (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway) and Katarzyna Struzińska (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland).

    Community policing (COP) is premised on the idea that community safety should be ensured by building effective communication and close relationships between the police and community members and enable them to work together to solve jointly identified local problems.

    In the face of contemporary changes in information and communication technologies and their increased use by the police, the question of the role that new technologies can, should and will play in preventive activities of the police, particularly in supporting effective dialogue and strengthening trust between the police and the public, is becoming increasingly important. Effective technologies will be crucial for practical cooperation between the police and dynamically changing, diverse communities to improve local security.

    The research group aims to identify and explore in detail the opportunities and risks related to using new technologies in implementing COP and building better relationships and more effective communication between the police and local communities.

    We invite researchers and community policing practitioners to join this initiative – to participate in online meetings and contribute a chapter in a forthcoming book published by an esteemed international publisher (e.g., Routledge, OUP, CUP, Springer). This publication will address the nuanced relationship between community policing and
    modern technologies.

    Examples of Relevant Themes for Chapters
    Participants are encouraged to develop a chapter around the following themes, but are free to suggest other topics as well:
    • Changes in the ways police and citizens communicate due to new technologies
    • Police cooperation with online communities as part of community policing
    • The use of virtual applications and platforms in long and short-term prevention
    activities and building positive relations between the police and local
    • The use of artificial intelligence in the implementation of community policing
    • The relationship between the police’s use of new technologies for community
    policing and levels of trust in the police, and police trust in communities
    • The willingness of the police and local communities to use the latest technology
    in joint security activities
    • The increasing use of technology by citizens and how the police respond to it

    Submission Guidelines
    • Submit a 300–500 word abstract and a short bio (both in English) by the 30th of March 2025 to
    • Full chapters in English will be due by the 30th of September 2025.

    All submissions will undergo peer review to ensure quality and comprehensiveness.

    Important Dates
    Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th of March 2025
    • Notification of Acceptance: 10th of April 2025
    • Full Chapter Submission Deadline: 30th of September 2025

    Authors of selected chapters will receive a €800 gross honorarium (per chapter) upon publication.

    If you have questions, please feel free to contact