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Towards the Democratization of Knowledge and Practice in Criminology and Criminal
Justice: Global Perspectives and Local Realities

We are pleased to invite submissions for a special issue in the International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice (IJCACJ).

This special issue will explore new frontiers in international crime, justice, and/or global criminology. The IJCACJ is a peerreviewed journal that publishes original, theoretically engaged, empirical, or applied research in criminal justice and criminology that informs scholars and policymakers around the globe.

The Special Issue, entitled ‘Towards the Democratization of Knowledge and Practice in Criminology and Criminal Justice: Global Perspectives and Local Realities’ invites scholars and practitioners to address areas related to:

(1) knowledge formation derived from social problems faced by individuals, communities, and institutions in under-researched contexts;

(2) the logistical barriers to international research;

(3) comparative applied research across criminal justice systems and non-criminal justice institutions;

(4) the applicability of foundational concepts and methods in criminology and criminal justice internationally, particularly in non-western jurisdions.

We welcome conceptual, theoretical, and empirical manuscripts, including but not limited to the following:

▪ Positioning traditional and contemporary theories to explain a broader range of crime and victimization in local, virtual, transnational, and international contexts
▪ Revitalizing prior approaches and/or applying fresh perspectives to discourses of globalization that position marginalized jurisdictions, communities, and people at the center of the investigation
▪ Integrating theories of Global North and Global South perspectives on crime and justice in expanding knowledge practices and formations
▪ Illustrating the best practices and research methodologies in theorizing and testing country-specific and crime-specific models advancing crime control and crime prevention initiatives
▪ Focusing on cross-national comparative research, including but not restricted to:
1. Exploring novel international crime data sources
2. Going beyond traditional data sources and assessing the reliability of open sources
3. Deploying qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed methods to underexplore international research settings
4. Building comparative longitudinal models and experimental designs to study international crime and justice
5. Exploring how intersectional research in international settings could enhance theoretical explanations in criminology and criminal justice
6. Engaging global and local organizations and stakeholders at all stages of research to produce knowledge and improve policy practices

Submission Guidelines:

§ Full Manuscript Submission Deadline: February 15, 2025.
§ Please submit your manuscript on the journal’s website:

For general inquiries, please contact and copy all members of the editorial team:

Dr. Popy Begum, Saint Louis University (,

Dr. Jasmina Arnez, Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana and University of Oxford

and Dr. Mangai Natarajan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York (

Join us in contributing to advancing international criminology by submitting your work to this special issue.



The Restorative Justice Working Group of the European Society of Criminology is now accepting nominations for our annual Best Paper Prize.

We’re on the lookout for outstanding international peer-reviewed journal articles written on the topic of restorative justice in English published since January 2023 until 1 May 2024.

Deadline: June 3rd

Prize Announcement: At the conference

To nominate, please email your submissions to both Estelle Zinsstag (estelle.zinsstag @ and Kerry Clamp (kerry.clamp @

Our scientific committee will rigorously review all nominated papers and select the most original, rigorous and methodologically sound contribution to restorative justice scholarship.

Join us in recognizing excellence in research in our community!




Special Issue on Unraveling Violence, Gendered Extremism: Interdisciplinary and Global Perspectives and Challenges


The call for papers “Unraveling Violence, Gendered Extremism” is for a special issue in the journal Media Crime Culture. This is the webpage where information can be found:

The Journal Crime Media Culture


What constitutes violent extremism? Could violent extremism ever be considered a legitimate social reaction? Would critical analyses on gender provide a better understanding of extremism when we turn towards the so-called Global South? Can we explore the cultural alienation processes that generate gendered extremism violence in a mediatized global context?  This call for papers titled “Unraveling Violence, Gendered Extremism” aims to explore the ways in which gender is used to explain and narrate extremist violence such as terrorism and mass violence events like rampage killings.

This special Issue of the Journal Crime Media Culture is seeking to collect interdisciplinary perspectives on the intersections of violent extremism, cultural dynamics of history, space and politics, and power and legitimacy. As guest editors, we hope to challenge taken for granted definitions of violence extremism and extremist violence, the gendered characteristics of those who commit it, as well as how gender is discursively, politically and strategically, used to construct, understand, and diffuse extremist violence in different contexts.


Though scholars in policing, criminal justice and even in some social scientific studies claim that most of what is considered extremist attacks are perpetrated by men, and explanations of the violence tend to posit it as an aberration that is intrinsically linked to dominant expressions of masculinity (Kalish and Kimmel 2010), these leave many of the current cases unanswered. In the aftermath of 9/11, violent extremism was mainly associated with ideological factors that attract men and women to join Islamist groups, and thus positioned these men and women as culturally alienated, and simplified in the dichotomy of global conflicts (for example, Bakker 2006, Sageman 2008, van den Bos 2020).  Such alienation suggests that violent extremism is morally reprehensible, and relegates it to other people, despite the ubiquity of violence globally. Elsewhere, scholars note different motivations for violence such as relative deprivation, political corruption, and competition over natural resources Banunle and Apau 2019, and Khan, Khan and Ahmed, 2022). Studies on violent extremism in Kenya for instance note that although most violent extremists are men, idealized masculinity does not appear to be significant motivators (Allen et. al., 2015). Research in Malaysia challenges the discursive framing of Muslim women as “jihadi brides,” and points to the complexity of recruitment of women into terrorism and examining human trafficking and grooming of young women ( Abdul Hamid 2024).


The divergent perspectives present a challenge to understanding what is called violent extremism, who perpetrates it, and under what conditions, as well as the social and cultural context in which the violence and knowledge about violence are embedded.


The issue seeks to explore unpresented ways in which gender is (or should be) used as an analytical lens to explain extremist violence and trouble the normative theoretical frameworks of violent extremism. We are seeking contributions exploring the scope and intersection of race/ethnic identity, gender, class and geopolitics to understand what is contextually considered extremist and to how such understandings are discursively hegemonic.


We welcome submissions that delve into gender and violent extremism through Indigenous, Global South/Southern, and queer theoretical lenses. Additionally, we invite submissions that employ qualitative research methods, including opensource data analysis, digital methodologies, interviews, and ethnographic studies. Interdisciplinary contributions from the social sciences and humanities are highly encouraged, and scholars specializing in anthropology, sociology, geography, and criminology are particularly invited to submit their work.


Submission timeline:

Abstract submissions: May 30, 2024

June 15, 2024 Abstracts accepted, and authors notified

Aug 25, 2024 Full articles submitted for peer review

September, 2024 Authors notified of review outcome

November 2024 Final article submission – for proofs


Abstracts should be between 300-500 words, excluding references (which should be provided in Harvard format). All abstracts require accompanying author biographies of 100 words. Both must be sent in Word or PDF format to Sara Salman,


Authors of accepted abstracts shall submit the full draft paper (word count around 6000-8000 words) by 25 Aug, 2024. All articles will be double blind peer reviewed. There are no fees payable for publication.


If you have any further questions please email Sara Salman,